Thursday, March 7, 2019

First Day Back in January

Happy Birthday to first day back to work after Christmas break was the afternoon of my birthday. I was back in for the jazz band director. I checked my notes to see if it would be the same day of the five day cycle that I had been in before. Nope! That made me feel better...but also made me wonder what else I would come across.

I got there and headed to his room. A man came out of the room just before I got there and said "Hi". I didn't know who he was. I went in and found the plans. The teacher had a 3 prep afternoon. Jackpot. However, there were some notes scribbled down about going to see the VP about covering other classes for the preps. I headed back down the hall.

That man that I past was the VP. He was super nice. We talked a bit about the school (340 students! That's tiny here), and the teacher and I said how I knew him from the jazz bands and how lucky the school is to have such a dedicated teacher and sure, I'll cover 2 other classes during my preps because I really don't need three preps, not a problem, I've been in PLP classes before and I'm glad to help out any way I can and by the way, can I kiss your butt anymore?

First up, a PLP class. This is a class for kids usually with autism and Down Syndrome. The more 'severe' kids are usually in this class full time and other kids might get some integrated subjects. First up, I knew two of the kids with Down Syndrome because they had been at my school last year. Whenever I'm in a PLP class, I always feel like an outsider. I don't know the kids, what their limits are, etc. Usually the EAs run the class but I can't just sit in the corner either. Especially not after the butt-kissing. I don't feel like I helped anything except maintaining their mandated ratios.

Then I had 2 classes of music. Again, worksheets. Again, poor engagement. He didn't leave clear instructions. Many kids said they had already done them. Was I to teach a lesson? Who knows.

Again I had recess duty in the cold and damp. Bleh.  At least some kids here talked to me. One even noticed I had coloured my hair!

Last period I had to cover for a teacher upstairs. Went one in the room. Saw an adult, asked...they didn't know. Back down to the VP who realized he had made the mistake, sent me to the right room, about 10 minutes into the class. It was "just" an art class. Grade 7 or 8. They were using liquid tempera paints. You could tell they didn't have to buy it themselves. You could also tell they aren't very skilled in cleaning up after themselves.

Back down to the music room to write my note and collect my things. There were a couple girls waiting around, they said, for their vocal coach/teacher. Finally she came. I gathered that these two girls were stars in the school music (They are doing Shrek). One of the kids sat at the piano and just started playing/singing Happy Birthday randomly. I said "Thank you!" They thought I was joking. I was really is my birthday! That was a nice way to end the day!

Again, no pictures. What's up with that, Blogger?

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